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"Deseo despertar la conciencia para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor para todos los seres vivos"
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If love is all we need, then let’s start with us and promise to love ourselves so as to shine our lights brightly enough to shine love upon our surroundings and encourage others to shine theirs and make this world a better place for all living beings. Surrendering to the pace of the universe will help us see better and realize that it is all connected, it all falls into it all. Good hearts around the world must be called and encouraged to raise their voices against the greedy pockets of the pirates and against the powers who create spells that make rivers run dry. It is important for our home, Gaia. Every cell is important, we are important and unique, and so we are worth the whole wide world. 

Because we are all part of it, we are nature.

We Are NatureKarol Green
00:00 / 03:16
PiratesKarol Green
00:00 / 03:03
Into It AllKarol Green
00:00 / 05:23

Karol Green ✿ I'm Marrying Myself · OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO
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Karol Green ✿ We Are Nature OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO
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Karol Green ✿ Live in Sant Esteve de Palautordera
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Karol Green ✿ GAIA LIVE
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